Costal guard of Maharashtra.

The reclaimed land by Lord Parshuram

Sahyadri of Maharashtra & sea shore defines the Konkan. It starts from the river Par near Balsad of Gujarat up to the river Terekhol on Goa border.It is stretched to the length 750 k.m. Sanhyadri  and sea shore associated with each other scientifically. You will find forts built at the junction of river and sea, & also nearby the origin of the river.The transportation of goods were carried through ships and boats.This transportation was tuned with the high and low tide timings.This trading was in operation  since 2500 years right from Satavahana dynasty.

 This trade system British ruler ruined. This system bought the prosperity  for years to our society. After wards  the migration of people from Konkan to Mumbai for the survival.This continued for almost 160 years. The tourism changed this situation.Now the migration of people is stopped.This is the biggest contribution  of tourism in Konkan 

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